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Completion of the Series C funding to advance pipeline of novel GPCR antibodies
NBHL has completed 7.64 million USD of the Series C funding to advance pipeli... -
Announcement of a grant of patent for innovative new high-throughput single-cell analysis technology in US 2022.03.29.
We are pleased to inform you that the patent we applied for the new drug cand... -
NBHL will participate in BIO-Europe Spring 2022 – Digital.
NBHL will participate in BIO-Europe Spring 2022 – Digital to be held from Ma... -
Closing of the Series C funding to advance pipeline of novel GPCR antibodies
NBHL has closed the Series C funding to advance pipeline of novel GPCR antibo... -
Announcement of Agreements with ReCentrics Biotechnology Co. Ltd. and NBHL for Global Collaboration to Development and Commercialize GPCR Antibody Therapies
NBHL has singed the Agreements with ReCentrics Biotechnology Co. Ltd. and NBH...