Pipelines– パイプライン –

Competitive GPCR-targeted antibody pipelines generated from
MoGRAA® Discovery Engine


Advantages of MoGRAA® Antibody- MoGRAA®抗体の優位性

MoGRAA® Discovery Engine is our proprietary drug discovery platform specialized for GPCR-targeted antibodies. Our pipeline, powered by MoGRAA® discovery engine, has a competitive advantage over conventional GPCR-targeted drugs.


MoGRAA® antibodyConventional GPCR Drug
Drug typeMonoclonal antibodySmall molecule or peptide
Mode of actionAntagonist, Agonist, ModulatorAntagonist, Agonist, Modulator
Duration of actionLongShort
Off-targetLow frequencyHigh frequency
ADME profileRelatively simpleComplicated
(depend on chemical property)
Biomarker surveyGood as diagnostic toolNew tools needed
Period of drug discoveryShortRelatively long
Drug CostMiddle-HighLow-Middle
(Molecular Targeting Drugs)

Pipelines of GPCR-Targeted Antibody-GPCR標的抗体パイプライン

Focus Therapeutic Areas – 重点疾患領域

We have positioned the following diseases as our focal therapeutic areas and are developing them in-house.


Fibrosis – 線維症

Fibrogenesis is a process of wound healing, but after repeating this process, the tissue becomes stiff and abnormal function, resulting a disease called fibrosis. Fibrosis can occur in various organs, but fibrosis in the lung, liver, and kidney is serious, therefor, promising therapeutic drugs is strongly desired.


NBHL is currently developing two therapeutic mAbs for Fibrosis. 


NBA-1901:CCR7 selective monoclonal antibody – CCR7選択的モノクローナル抗体

Project NBA-1901 is a first-in-class therapeutic mAb targeting a chemokine receptor involved in the tissue fibrosis pathway. The mAb exerts a therapeutic effect by shutting down chemokine-induced GPCR signaling. Using the surrogate mAb for the rat homologue of the target GPCR, we proved the therapeutic concept of the antibody treatment in a lung fibrosis model, with superiority over the existing small molecule drug for IPF. The mAb for the chemokine receptor also has a potential application for kidney fibrosis. NBHL is now progressing with the optimization of humanized antibodies ready for preclinical development for Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

NBA-1901は、組織線維症に関与しているケモカインGPCRをターゲットとするFirst in classの治療用モノクローナル抗体です。この抗体がCCR7に結合すると、 細胞内のシグナル伝達経路を完全阻害することで治療効果を発揮します。


NBG025:LPA1 selective monoclonal antibody – LPA1選択的モノクローナル抗体

A proprietary first-in-class therapeutic monoclonal antibody targeting LPA1, a lipid mediator receptor associated with tissue fibrosis, was created. When this antibody binds to LPA1, it is expected to have a therapeutic effect by completely inhibiting the intracellular signaling pathway.

LPA1 is thought to be involved in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), one type of tissue fibrosis, and human clinical studies of LPA1 small molecule inhibitors for IPF are underway. We have also obtained promising therapeutic efficacy data of this antibody in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis and are currently conducting pre-clinical studies of this antibody.

組織線維症に関与している脂質メディエーターの受容体LPA1をターゲットとするFirst in classの治療用モノクローナル抗体を創製しました。この抗体がLPA1に結合すると、 細胞内のシグナル伝達経路を完全阻害することで治療効果を発揮することが期待されます。


Autoimmune disease – 自己免疫疾患

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s own immune cells misidentifies, then attacks its own organisms. Various GPCRs (chemokine receptors, lipid-related receptors) work in concert with cytokines and adhesion molecules to promote activation of Th17 cells and dendritic cells, which are the causative cells of autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, and consequently thought to be involved in chronic inflammation.


Prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype, EP4, is thought to be involved in chronic inflammation. No small molecule drug targeting EP4 is available owing to the problems with off-target effects, etc.

The EP4 antibody treatment has its advantages compared with small molecule drugs in terms of its receptor subtype selectivity, limited distribution, and long duration.

In recent years, it has been reported that there is a correlation between the severity of ankylosing spondylitis and EP4 expression. It is expected to be a diagnostic and therapeutic agent for Ankylosing Spondylitis as well, in addition to therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases such as colitis, psoriatic arthritis.




NBA-1603:EP4 selective monoclonal antibody – EP4選択的モノクローナル抗体

NBHL’s anti-human EP4 antibody, NBA-1603 is a first-in-class EP4 receptor selective antibody. It fully antagonizes EP4-dependent cAMP elevation and beta-arrestin activity without antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). The antibody has been shown to inhibit EP4-dependent cAMP elevation and modulate IL-17 production in human primary CD4+ T cells. NBHL is currently optimizing the antibody for preclinical testing.


 Severe virus infections – 重症ウイルス感染症

For the purpose of severe viral infection control such as influenza and COVID-19, we focus on events caused by viral infections on the “human (host)” instead of the “viruses itself” as therapeutic targets. Based on the concept, we are aiming for anti-severe viral infection drug development.

We have discovered several common pathways contributing to viral infection severity by using omics data derived from mouse models of severe influenza. In these pathways, some GPCRs, such as chemokine receptors, lipid mediator receptors, and nucleic acid receptors, have been identified as target candidates in these pathways. We are now searching for and optimizing lead monoclonal antibodies by the MoGRAA® Discovery Engine and also pursuing POC evaluation.

We expect that the development of therapeutic drugs that target the host might contribute to the treatment of severe viral infection symptoms regardless of the type of virus.




NBHL is actively seeking collaboration opportunities.