Recent News
“Life Science x AI Frontline in Sapporo” – NBHL’s Founder and President will speak at the event.
NBHL Founder and President will speak at the “J-Startup HOKKAIDO Selected Company Pitch and Networking Event in Tokyo”.
Announcement of Granted Patent – World’s first substance patent for human LPA1
Recent News-最新のニュース
Please click on the “English” tab for English-language news and the “日本語” tab for Japanese-language news.
“Life Science x AI Frontline in Sapporo” – NBHL’s Founder and President will speak at the event.
NBHL Founder and President will speak at the “J-Startup HOKKAIDO Selected Company Pitch and Networking Event in Tokyo”.
Announcement of Granted Patent – World’s first substance patent for human LPA1
Our Technology
MoGRAA® Discovery Engine
MoGRAA® Discovery Engine brings functional antibodies as new drug modality, to GPCR drug discovery, where low-molecular weight compounds have been dominated.
MoGRAA® ディスカバリーエンジンは、低分子化合物が主流であったGPCRを標的とした創薬に、機能性抗体という新しい創薬モダリティを提供します。

Our Pipeline

GPCR-targeted antibody from MoGRAA® Discovery Engine
NBHL has attractive GPCR-targeted antibody pipelines generated from MoGRAA® discovery engine. We are committed to research and development aiming for clinical application as soon as possible.
NBHLは、MoGRAA® ディスカバリーエンジンを応用した魅力的なGPCR標的抗体のパイプラインを有しています。私たちは、一日も早い臨床応用を目指し研究開発に邁進しています。
About NBHL
From Discovery to Medicine

NB Health Laboratory Co. Ltd. is a startup company certified by Hokkaido University and J-Startup HOKKAIDO
NB Health Laboratory Co. Ltd.は、「北大発認定スタートアップ企業」および「J スタートアップ北海道」に認定されています。